Monday, 4 November 2019

The Secret of Fountain of Youth: Our body Rejuvernating Mechanism

Without sleep, our body defense mechanism and natural rejuvenation process in our body will not work.

Therefore, we will fall sick, become old compare to our age and will die before our time.

So, how does our body rejuvenating mechanism acts during sleep?

We have 3 elements that affect our aging process:

1. Our body.
2. Stressor in Life
3. Angelic Craftsman for Repair and Rejuvenation.

So, there are 3 groups of elements that we need to balance in order to stay healthy and young.

During the day, our body collects stressor and chemicals causing oxidative stress making our body to become prone to sickness, decay and old age.

During the night, our angelic craftsman repairs our body to make it as perfect as possible.

If the angle craftsman works of repairs and rejuvenation are hindered by time, our body will not be in perfect condition as the repair process is not complete and we bare the stress that is laid upon our body and thus we become easily prone to infection, sickness, decay and old age.

If this continues for a long time, we will be old compared to our age and die before our times.

Moral of the story: Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Be Bless,

Dr. Lion.

Human's Basic needs or Primal instincts.

Humans since time immemorial is born with a feedback mechanism that must fulfill all our basic needs or else we will die or perish.

So, what are our basic needs or primal instincts?

Our basic needs or primal instincts are for food, power, sex, and sleep.

Moral of the story: Moderation for food, power, sex, and sleep will be ideal for our survival.

Be Bless,

Dr. Lion