Tuesday 31 October 2017

Everything is poison or toxin depending on dose.

Paracelsus father of toxicology coin the terms "everything is poison or toxin depending on the dose."

Why is this so?

This is due to the fact that if the dose is too small the herbs or food or poison is not working and if it is too high it is poisonous.

That's why every medicine or herbs to be effective tends to have a certain recipe or formula behind it, to be effective in 50% of the population, ED50.

What is a recipe?

It is a combination of dose for multiple drugs and their solidifying or solubility agent that affects 3 parameters in our body:

1)  Route of administration of drugs or herbs- enteral (oral) or parenteral

2)  How our body acts on the drugs or herbs - pharmacokinetics

3) How drugs or herbs act on our body via receptors or hormones or ligands - pharmacodynamics

Captions: Water is also effective or toxic depending on dose - water at low dose causes dehydration and water at high dose causes water intoxication.

"Health is Wealth"

Good Luck!

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

Monday 30 October 2017

What constitutues a satisfactory life.

Is good life means healthy alone? Or being rich only?

Definitely NO.

A good and satisfactory life constitutes satisfactory performance in five domains of life:

1. Mobility - being able to move around everywhere u wish.

2. Self-care - being able to care for your self like combing your hair, button your clothes without the aid

3. Usual activity - ability to perform what u desire daily without hindrance

4. Pain/discomfort - not having any pain sensation (how much distressing if you have experience back pain)

5. Anxiety/depression - mental wellbeing.

This shows us that health is wealth. 

How much we will pay to have a perfect score in all 5 domain above.

(Adapted from EUROQol EQ-5D Questionnaires)

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.