Wednesday 1 November 2017

Water of Life

Water is the basic necessity of life.

This is because water is a universal solvent that is needed for metabolism and recycling of waste products in our body.

Therefore, water needs to to be in its purest form to be able to perform the above function.

Pure water means water that is free of impurity.

There are only 2 types of water that are free of impurity:

1) Distilled Water

2) Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water.

That's why Dialysis Center has made it a rule that they need to have a source of RO water before their license can be approved by the relevant authority.

However, the Ph of the water is also of utmost importance. Alkaline water is essential for life. WHY?

This is because our body is the makeup of organic mass, which is protein. When protein breakdown, it becomes amino acid and uric acid, which make our body very acidic. Adding alkaline to our body will make our body neutral and make us healthy. Too much acid is like too much fire, scorching our body in the sun.

So consume more

1) Alkaline water

2) Distilled water

3) Reverse Osmosis (RO) water.

In order to be a healthy and less sugary weak acidic soft drink.

For your info, alkaline water might be a little bit bitter and not everyone favors it.

"Saviour all the taste in life"

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

Cancer are immortal vampirous cells

What is cancer?

Cancer is no other than a cell that failed in "apoptosis" or programmed cell death and becomes an immortal cell.

When cell become immortal, they have no choice but to take the nutrient and gobble up the surrounding cell leading to vampires concepts.

Why cell become immortal?

1. Failed apoptosis.
2. Failure of our Tumor Suppressor Gene to work leading to the genetic basis of cancer.

Cancer is a layman term. The right term should be benign and malignant.

Benign means the cancerous growth is localized.

Malignant means the cancerous growth have distant spread via blood and lymph nodes. That's why lymph nodes involvement always denotes highly metastasis.

Cancer staging is based on TNM staging.

What is this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle staging?

1. T for Tumor location.
2. N for Nodal involvement
3. M for Tumor spread or metastasis.

Anyone with cancer, will ask how long can I live?

This is individualized based on the prognosis of the disease for the percentage of survival within 5 years.

"Health is wealth"

God bless!

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

Common Devastating Non-communicable diseases

The list of dreaded non-communicable diseases can be divided into

1. Cancer - breast for female and both lung and prostate for man
2. Stroke - hemiplegic or brain stroke.
3. Diabetic Foot with amputation
4. Gouty arthritis
5. Kidney failure

Why are these diseases dreaded?

It is debilitating, bring a lot of pain and misery, high cost and most of all make us dependent on the caregiver.

That's why, we need to always count our blessing as health is wealth.

God bless you.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.