Wednesday 29 May 2019

Ability to Sleep is a Gift of God.

God created day and night.

Based on such premise, Day is for us to work and Night is for us to rest.

Going against nature is similar to driving an auto car without knowing what the creator of the car, have created the blueprint for us. In an auto car, there is a "D" and "N". If we assume that D stand for Day and N stand for Night. Our car, will not move. This is because the blueprint of the car is different from our heavenly blueprint.

Therefore, we must follow the blueprint of God for our body. The day is to work and Night is to rejuvenate, recover and heal.

One of the early sign of a psychiatric problem is having difficulty to fall asleep, stay asleep and having a full rest for the night.

Our next day will be devastated if we cannot get a good night sleep. This is because our hormone and neurotransmitter will go disarray. This my friend, is the basis of all psychiatric problem, which is a problem with the nerve and hormonal transmission in the body.

Our mood will be very bad if we don't get a good sleep and we will tend to need stimulant as a short-fix. These stimulants, be it coffee, tea, chocolates, tranquilizer or even drugs, will give us a new feeling by numbing our receptors, leading us to be addicted to certain substances that give us the euphoric mood. As since the day of antiquity, man is attracted to pleasure and avoid pain.

One of the heaviest punishment since medieval time is to deprive the prisoner or spy of sleep. Every time the prisoner fall asleep, the guard will wake him up. This type of punishment is still apparent in the high-security prison camp. Sooner or later, the spy will just beg the captor, to let him sleep and will divulge all information to the captor.

Back to the normal guy, like us, our fear, guilt, and resentment will be our captor and prevent us from falling asleep. Therefore, we should be able to forgive and forget our-self and each other and live a happy life as the saying goes, "there is no man that sins naught and to forgive others is a virtue by itself."

Fear is to be overcome by not doubting our-self anymore.

Guilt is to be overcome by forgiving our-self.

Resentment or regret is to be overcome by stop being sorry for things not happening as you wish.

Let God empty your fear, guilt, and resentment and let him add happiness, love, and greatness in your life.

Therefore, the ability to have a complete rest at night is a gift of God as "the labor of the laboring man will help him to get a good sleep but the wealth of the rich man will not do that."

Moral of the story: Live the blueprint that God had set for us. Fish needs to swim and Birds needs to fly. Similarly, for man, Day is for work and Night is for sleep to make us a merry old soul.

Be Bless,

Dr. Lion. 

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